An open youth group for the HD8 Area

Joining Upper Dearne Valley Navigators

The first step is to contact us at

Joining Procedure – Youth

Joiniing Procedure – Adult

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The main Contact is Ewan Scott

Additionally, you can respond to posts on social media and we will get back to you.

Can we try before we buy?

Yes, you can try before you commit to membership fees.

We would normally give three weeks trial, and if your child does not like what we do, then there is no loss. However, should they decide to stay, we would ask for fees starting from the first week they attended.

What are the costs?

There is no uniform – so no cost  (unless taking part in a trip abroad, or to a large city – when we will discuss options)

Junior Navigator membership fees are £40 per term – three times per year – this includes holiday meetings, but we do sometimes take a break – it works out at around £2.70 per meeting – but we prefer not to charge weekly as we end up handling cash, which we would rather avoid.

Navigators and Mentor fees are £50 per term  – roughly £3.35 per week. Again we prefer to charge termly.

Fees include weekly meeting costs and insurance, but do not include exceptional costs such as visits to Laserquest, trips, camps, or kayaking. These are charged at cost, or might be subsidised.

Our fees are normally accepted by bank transfer, or cheque.